How the last week in Atlanta taught me the value of social connections

photo courtesy of the AJC

photo courtesy of the AJC

The past week in Atlanta has been shocking. Tuesday brought a little bit of snow and a whole lot of of misery due to ice, gridlock and a general sense of being unprepared. My friends were stuck in their cars for 12+ hours trying to get to their homes and families less than 5 miles away. The news has highlighted several stories of true southern hospitality.  People were handing out hot chocolate to stranded motorists, opening homes to cold and hungry strangers, and creating websites like snowedoutatlanta to get help to those in dire straits.

I ran across this great blog while following facebook during the past few days and it dawned on me that the skills this teacher is so brilliantly working on in her class are the crucial life skills that will help us in the tough times, like this week.  We need other people and we need mentors that will teach empathy and compassion.  This is far more important than test scores and academic skills (gasp!).  In the worst of times, social connection is our saving grace.