The First Year: Perspective from a CF Supervisor


School starts for me next week.  I’m a bit nervous as my home school underwent a major renovation and we haven’t gotten the all clear yet to move back into our rooms. Did I mention it starts next week?  The first week back is all meetings, moving and organizing, plus hugging friends you haven’t seen in a few months!  The learning curve is a bit smaller each year, and that makes the transition a little easier.

The other event that happens this time of year is that I get to meet my new crop of CFs! I had 9 last year and may have 11 this year (note:  I  do not have a caseload in addition to these CFs, it wouldn’t be possible!)  I’m thinking we need to come up with a collective name for a group of CFs.  How about a “quiver” ?  They are sharp, ready to launch and a little nervous.  That may be a periscope topic soon!

My school system intentionally and purposefully mentors our new CFs.  I am one of four SLP leads/CF supervisors for our large county and it really does make a difference for our new grads in that first year (and in retaining good SLPs beyond that first year).  After a few rounds of supervising, I streamlined my paperwork process and listened closely to what my CFs were asking about.  My best advice to them, especially in the beginning months, is to remember to breathe, leave work at work and ask questions!

Communication is key (duh!) and feedback not only for the CFs, but also for the mentoring SLPs, is crucial.  So, I came up with a freebie for other CF supervisors HERE that encompasses both of these pieces.  In addition, I have included a list of great links by some amazing slp bloggers about that CF year.  I hope you will find this packet helpful and cheers to a new year!